This study is
itended to analyze the linguistic signals of power and solidarity in the
javanese language at kalikejambon village Jombang.The javanese language has
many style levels which each reflects existence of power and solidarity in the
society. The Javanese people have to dertermine the style levels that is
appropriate to be used because every situation requires the speaker to make the
most exactling discriminations about his attitude toward the listener’s states.
She have to choose one of the three
basic stylesof the language and decide wheter or not he will employ special
terms known as honorifics.
The main
problem described and identified in this thesis is the linguistic signals of
power and solidarity in javanese language at kalikejambon village Jombang and
the social contexts that determine the execution of power and solidaruty in
javanese society.
descriptive qualitative method is used ro conduct this research. The javanese
people that include a teacher. Student of javanese department trader and farmer
are taken as the informants. The observation and interview is done to obtain
the data futher, the data are recordered on the tape and jetted down on
the notes.
In doing the
analys is the writer divides the data into three part i.e the address system in
javanese language as linguistic signals of power and solidarity,after that the
second contexts that determine theexecution of power and solidaruty will be
The study
revals that the linguistic signals of power and solidaruty in the javanese
language include the address system, verb form and vocabulary levels. Its
execution in the sociely depends on some factors i.e participant (s) and
familiarity have the most important role. However the situation in which the
dialoque take place and the topic of conversation also determine the choice of
the style levels they used communication.
Undangan Kepada
Yth :
/ Ibu / Sdr
JUMAROH dengan U
Tembelang Tembelang
Assalamu’alaikum Wr Wb.
Dengan memohon Ridho dan Rahmat Allah SWT. Kami mengharap kehadiran
serta do’a restu Bapak/ Ibu/ Saudara/i pada acara Walimatul Ursy
pernikahan anak kami yang insya Allah diselenggarakan pada:
Hari : Jumat
Tanggal :
2 Juli 2004
Jam :
08.00 WIB
Tempat :
Dsn. Kalak, Ds. Kalikejambon
Merupakan suatu
kehormatan dan kebahagiaan bagi kami apabila Bpk / Ibu / Saudara / I berkenan
hadir dan memberi do’a restu.
Atas kehadiran dan do’a restu Bpk / Ibu / Saudara / i kami ucapkan
terima kasih.
Wassalamualaikum Wr Wb.
Betty Sri Nor Som (00122033)
Sunenik Fitriyah (00122036)
Student life at American Universities usually in total confucing
during the first semester. International students, accustomed to their countries
educational expectations, must adapt to new classroom norms in a foreign
college or university.
Active participation
In the clasroom, student’s participation is expected in many
courses.Some professors base part of the final grade on the student’s oral participation. Although the student have
passive role (listening and taking notes) in formal lectures, but ib informal
lectures, many courses are disigned around classroom discussion. Many
professors encourage students to question and challenge their ideas.
The Teacher- Student Relationship
It is uncommon for students to have easygoing and friendly
relationship with theirprofessors. Although students may be in a subordinate
position some professors tread them as equals. However, they still are in a
authority position. Professors may establish sicial relationships with students
outside of the classroom but in the classroom they maintain the instructor’s
role. Students must realize that when a teacher’s role changes, they must
appropriately adapt with their behaviour and attitudes.
teachers believe that the responsibility for learning lies with the students.
Sometimes homework is returned with brief written comments without a grade.
Even if a grade is not given, the student is responsible for learning the
material. Professors will help students who need it but prefer that their
students not be overly dependent on them.
The Honor System.
“honor system” imposed by the teacher and university demands that the student
be honest in all areas of school work.
Violation of the honor system can result in a student’s failing a course,
having a permanent record of the violation placed in the student’s school file
or even being expelled from the university.
between students in the classroom can be cooperative or competitive.
International students should not hesitate to ask for help if it is needed. In
addition wken facing a competitive job market, graduates may be judged on the
basis of their grade point average and faculty recommendations. Ultimetly, it
is the student who is responsible for succeeding in thiscompetitive system.
Work is one of the most important activities in an
indifidual’s life. The primary motivation to work is to get a living. In
addition, what aperson “does” helps to determine that person’s prestige. A
lawyer has more prestige than a bus driver, a nurse can claim more prestige
than a waitress or a waiter.
The “Work Ethic”
“work ethic” imbues work with the quality of goodness. It originated with the
puritan colonists from England, who come to North America in the 1600’s. The
ethic was an outocome of the relogious belief that meterial success was a sign
of God’s favor and that those who achieved this success were among God’s
“chosen” and would go to heaven.
The “ American Dream”
people believe that there is equality of
opportunity that allows anyone to become successful. This belief is illustrated
by stories written by a nineteenth century American novelist, Horatilo Alger,
who wrote about the “ American Dream”. He described poor people who become rich
because of their hard work, honesty, and luckl.
ConversionConversion EmoticonEmoticon